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Zünd werelwijd

Zoek een aanspreekpartner in uw omgeving

Zünd Systemtechnik AG
Industriestrasse 8, 9450 Altstätten
Info: +41 71 554 81 00 Support: +41 71 554 81 92 info@zund.com support@zund.com
Leather, Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex, Technical Service
Zund Brasil Ltda.
Alameda Caiapós, 703 Tamboré, 06460-110 São Paulo
+55 51 30137272 +55 11 41331372 infobr@zund.com
Leather, Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex, Technical Service
Zund Australia PTY Ltd
Unit 4, 136 Keys Road, VIC 3192 Cheltenham
+61 3 9417 2765 infoau@zund.com
Leather, Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex, Technical Service
Zund Asia (Bangkok) Ltd.
28 Motorway Frontage Road Prawet, Bangkok, 10250 Bangkok
+66 64 184 3159 infobkk@zund.com
Leather, Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex, Technical Service
Naar het bijkantoor
Zünd Österreich GmbH
Steyrer Straße 56, 3350 Haag
Info: +43 7434 43870 Support: +43 7434 43870 70 infoat@zund.com supportat@zund.com
Leather, Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex, Technical Service
Naar het bijkantoor
Zund Italia S.r.l.
Via Italia 1 , 24030 Valbrembo
+39 035 4378276 infoitalia@zund.com
Leather, Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex, Technical Service
Naar het bijkantoor
Zund Asia Ltd.
Rm 11, 9/F, Eastern Harbour Centre,
28 Hoi Chak Street,, Quarry Bay
Hongkong SAR van China
+852 2561 1812 infoasia@zund.com
Leather, Graphics, Composite, Technical Service
Naar het bijkantoor
Zund Ibérica SA
CL Ribes 36 BJ, 08013 Barcelona
+34 93 289 00 77 infoes@zund.com
Leather, Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex, Technical Service
Zünd Deutschland GmbH
Langenweg 34, 88131 Lindau
+49 8382 983 99 01 infodeutschland@zund.com
Leather, Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex, Technical Service
Naar het bijkantoor
Zünd Skandinavien APS
Knudsminde 4B, 8300 Odder
+45 8780 2270 info@zund.dk
Graphics, Packaging, Specials, Technical Service
Zünd Skandinavien APS
Knudsminde 4B, 8300 Odder
+45 8780 2270 info@zund.dk
Leather, Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex, Technical Service
Zünd UK Ltd.
Acuta House, Works Road, Letchworth Garden City, SG6 1LN Hertfordshire
Verenigd Koninkrijk
+44 1462 412 700 infouk@zund.com
Leather, Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex, Technical Service
Naar het bijkantoor
Zund India Pvt. Ltd.
50, NTI Layout Bhupasandra Main Road RMV 2nd Stage, 560 094 Bangalore
+91 63641 73941 infoindia@zund.com
Leather, Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex, Technical Service
Naar het bijkantoor
Zund Benelux B.V.
Meerheide 109, 5521 DX Eersel
+31 497 517873 infobenelux@zund.com
Leather, Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex, Technical Service
Naar het bijkantoor
Zund Asia Ltd.
Unit 11, 9/F Eastern Harbour Centre
28 Hoi Chak Street, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
Hongkong SAR van China
+852 25611812 infoasia@zund.com
Leather, Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex, Technical Service
Naar het bijkantoor
Zund America, Inc. - American HQ
8142 South 6th Street, Oak Creek, WI 53154
Verenigde Staten
+1 414 433-0700 +1 833 721-1922 infous@zund.com serviceus@zund.com
Leather, Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex, Technical Service
Naar het bijkantoor
Zund France SA
14 rue de Flandres, 94400 Vitry sur Seine
+33 (0)1 84 13 43 01 infofrance@zund.com
Leather, Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex, Technical Service
Naar het bijkantoor
3Dstar Co., Ltd
Factory 223-28,, Seongnam, Gyeonggi-do
+82 31 743 8561 info@3dstar.com
Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex
Aarque Group Limited
Lincoln North, 0654 Waitakere
+64 9 837 2144
Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite
Cutting Edge Solutions FZE
Unit 03A, Level 1, The Curve Building, Sheikh Zayed Road, PO Box 13745, Dubai
Verenigde Arabische Emiraten
+971 43388900 support@cuttingedge.solutions
Graphics, Packaging, Composite, TechTex
Erpa Systeme GmbH
Willi-Eichler-Strasse 24, 37079 Göttingen
+49 5517 89500 info@erpa.de
Packaging, Specials
Mons Medius Technology S.R.L.
Strada Siriului 60a, 014354 București
+40742 105 553 tehnologii.taiere@mons-medius.com
Leather, Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex, Technical Service
Fogepack Systèmes S.A.S.
Rue Charles Lemaire, 62500 Leulinghem
+33 321 93 24 40 fogepack@fogepack.com
Graphics, Packaging, Specials, Technical Service
HSW Signall, s.r.o
F. V. Veselého 2635/15, 193 00 Praha 9
+420 212 220 700 prodej@hsw.cz
Graphics, Packaging, Specials
IP Datamönster AB
Varbergsvägen 42, 504 30 Boras
+46 33 44 44 80 info@ipdata.se
Leather, Textil, Composite, Specials, TechTex, Technical Service
Jen Te Business Co., Ltd.
(235) 5FI. - 7, No. 496, Bannan Road, Jhonghe City, Taipei County
+886 2222 89961
Leather, Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex
OktoPrint Service
Ilyinskoe highway Moskovskaya oblast, 143405 Krasnogorsk
+7 495 789 8081 info@oktoprint.ru
Leather, Graphics, Technical Service
Baby Lock Co., Ltd.
1-11-11 Kudan-kita, Chiyoda-ku, 102-0073 Tokyo
+81 3 3265 2851
Leather, Textil, Specials, TechTex
KSM Cutting & Consulting sp. z.o.o.
ul. Szewska 12, 34-400 Nowy Targ
+48 18 26 49 720 biuro@zund.pl
Leather, Textil, Composite, TechTex
Laserck Corporation
2-91, Wakabayashi-cho, 581-0038 Yao, Osaka
+81 7292 00394 info@laserck.com
Graphics, Composite
Linea Grafica S.A.
Carrera 49A, 91, Bogotá
+57 1 236 33 89 lineagrafica@mac.com
Graphics, Packaging, Technical Service
Mat Kagitcilik San.ve Ticaret A.S.
Is Merkezi No: 7/7 Seyrantepe, 34418 Sisli, Istanbul
+90 212 280 00 70 info@matkagit.com.tr
Graphics, Packaging, Specials
Sportera D.O.O.
Trzaska cesta 23, 2000 Maribor
+386 40 304 525 info@digitalni-razrez.si
Leather, Graphics, Composite, Technical Service
Sportera D.O.O.
Trzaska cesta 23, 2000 Maribor
+386 40 304 525 info@digitalni-razrez.si
Leather, Composite, Technical Service
Midcomp cc
Unit 21 Fern Towers, Hylauma Street, Ferndale, 2194 Randburg, Johannesburg
+27 11 789 1222 sales@midcomp.co.za
Leather, Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex, Technical Service
Mind Software Multimedia e Industrial
Rua 25 de Abril nº83 R/C, Zona Industrial do Roligo, Espargo, 4520-115 S. M. Feira
+351 256 833 805 sales@mindtech.pt
Leather, Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex, Technical Service
Mirage-Group Ltd
Blvd.Tutrakan 22, 7000 Ruse
+359 82815364 lyubo.parashkevov@mirage-group.eu
Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex, Technical Service
NeoTec, spol. s r.o.
Jinonická 80, 158 00 Praha 5
+420 257 289 511 info@neotec.cz
Leather, Textil, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex
Rebstock Consulting GmbH & Co. KG
Schwalbenweg 22, 72461 Albstadt
+49 7432 983481 info@rebstockconsulting.de
Leather, Textil, Composite, Specials, TechTex
Santiago Distrifot S.R.L.
Av. San Juan, 2874 Buenos Aires
+54 1143 083686 daniel@distrifot.com.ar
Graphics, Packaging, Technical Service
Bányalég utca 44, 1225 Budapest
+36 1207 5104 office@unimark.hu
Leather, Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex
Vesta-R Ltd.
47 Cherni vrah, 1202 Sofia
+359 2 9628 530 office@vesta-r.com
Leather, Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex, Technical Service
Zapadel L.T.D.
35 Agiou Vasiliou Str.,, 17343 Agios Dimitrios, Athens
+30 210 9957 605 info@zapadel.gr
Leather, Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex, Technical Service
Camino del Cerro 5154 – Huechuraba, Santiago de Chile
+562 2658082 robert.richter@microgeo.cl
Graphics, Packaging, Technical Service
Grafimundo Etiquetas Papeles
Calle Alfa, 140, Callao
+51 146 46969 jrodriguez@grafimundo.com.pe
Graphics, Packaging, Technical Service
Delta E
C. Lago Erne 258, Cuauhtémoc Pensil Miguel Hidalgo, 11490 Ciudad de México
+52 55 8590 6336 info@deltae.mx
Leather, Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex
Draugystes g 15B, 51228 Kaunas
+370 68 500444 info@ipdata.lt
Leather, Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, TechTex
BRLY Technologies Ltd.
4, Arava Street, 56910 Magshimim / Tel Aviv
+97 239 323522 info@brly.co.il
Textil, Graphics, Composite, Specials
Art Makina
Bilmo Küçük Sanayi Sitesi Melodi Sok. D:9, Aydinli Tuzla
+90 216 593 24 75 info@artmakina.com
Leather, Textil, Composite, TechTex
DSTrade Ltd.
18/22 O. Olzhycha St. Office 16, 04060 Kiev
+38 044 390 29 02 info@dstrade.ua
Graphics, Packaging, Composite, TechTex
Systemservice Kühn GmbH
Gutstrasse 23, 37339 Breitenworbis
+49 36074 63070 info@systemservice-kuehn.de
Technical Service
MGB Uniplot GmbH
Gerichtswiesen 27, 04668 Grimma
+49 3437 910108 info@mgb-uniplot.com
Technical Service
Byucksan Digital Valley Room 716
Sasang-gu, Busan
+82 51 314 0197 info@joeuncs.com
Leather, Textil, Composite, Specials, TechTex
Neva Technology
17, Novoovsyannikovskaya str., 198097 St.-Petersburg
+7 (812) 380 92 13 info@nevatec.ru
Composite, Technical Service
CE Technology (Far East) Pte Ltd.
28 Kallang Place 04-12, 339158 Singapore
+65 639 10 338 cetech@singnet.com.sg
Leather, Textil, Graphics, Packaging, Composite, Specials, TechTex, Technical Service
PT. Samafitro
Jl. Ir H Juanda No.8, 10120 Jakarta
+62 (021) 2949 5500 samafitro@samafitro.co.id
Graphics, Packaging, Composite, TechTex
Grafik.net D.O.O.
Trnjanska cesta 114, 1000 Zagreb
+385 1 6137 415 grafiknet@grafiknet.hr
Graphics, Packaging, Technical Service
Chaur An Technology Co., LTD
420台中市豐原區三豐路967巷238號, Taiwan
+886-4-2522-6221 sales@chaur-an.com.tw
Leather, Textil, Composite
P&S Technology Co. Ltd.
233-2, Hwajeon-dong, Deokyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do,
+82 2 335 3457 sunny@pns-hp.com
Graphics, Packaging
Seyoung CNC Co., Ltd.
601 SK V1 Center, 171, Gasan Digital 1-Ro, Seoul
+82 2 2273 4211 info@sycnc.co.kr
Schaaf Modelle & Computersysteme
Adlerstrasse 37-43, 66955 Pirmasens
+49 6331 24580 schaaf.computer@schaaf-modelle.de
Selcam Co., Ltd.
1-7-31-1F, Otemae, Chuo-ku, 540-008 Osaka
+81 66942 4436 infor@selcam.co.jp
Textil, Graphics, Specials
Shanghai Baomo Intelligent Technology, Co., Ltd.
No. 172, Minxin Road, Yangpu District,, 200433 Shanghai
+86 21 38910153 wpan@baomotech.com
Leather, Textil, Composite, TechTex
OktoPrint Service
Ilyinskoe highway Moskovskaya oblast, 143405 Krasnogorsk
+7 495 789 8081 info@oktoprint.ru
Graphics, Technical Service
Smart LFP Sp z o. o.
ul. Robotnicza 66, 53-608 Wrocław
+48 603 509 801 biuro@smartlfp.pl
Graphics, Packaging, Specials
Zapadel L.T.D.
35 Agiou Vasiliou Str.,, 17343 Agios Dimitrios, Athens
+30 210 9957 605 info@zapadel.gr
Graphics, Packaging, Technical Service
CMC Compagnie Méditerranéenne de Commerce
Rue 13001, Zone Industrielle Ksar Saïd, Douar Hicher, 2086 Manouba
+216 71 547 407 info@cmctunisia.com
Leather, Textil, Composite, Specials, TechTex, Technical Service
PT. Pukka Indonusa
Jl. Moa No.46-47A, RT.10/RW.12, 11450 North Jakarta City
+6221 66600160 mail@pukkaindonusa.com
Leather, Composite
Bisson Grafik. d.o.o
Berdajsova ulica 1, 1000 Ljubljana
+38641323509 klemen.bister@bissongrafik.si
Graphics, Packaging
Canon Production Printing
Building 1, 195 Wellington Road, 3168 VIC 3168
+61 1300 363 440 support.au@cpp.canon
Support Hotline
+41 71 554 81 92 support@zund.com
Leather, Graphics, Composite, Technical Service

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Zünd Vestigingen

Eigen verkoop- en serviceorganisaties zorgen voor nabijheid tot de klant, competente adviezen en uitgebreide service.

Zund Benelux BV Zünd Systemtechnik AG Zund America, Inc. Zund Asia, Ltd. Zund India Pvt. Ltd. Zund Italia S.r.l. Zund Asia (Bangkok) Ltd. Zund UK Ltd Zünd Deutschland GmbH Zünd Österreich GmbH Zund France SA Zund Ibérica SA Zund Brasil Ltda. Zund Australia Pty Ltd

Meerheide 109
5521 DX Eersel
T +31 497 517873

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